The new show The Kardashians premieres at midnight on Thursday, June 27. This show has created a bit of an exception. Kim Kardashian, 43, and Khloé Kardashian, 40, get into a heated argument.
The incident began when Kim confronted her sister to “clear the air.” “Khloe has been really bothering me lately,” Kardashian admitted. Kim shares kids North, 10, Saint, 8, Chicago, 6, and Psalm, 5, with ex-husband Kanye West. Various information in this article has been taken from US Magazine.
Kim was not particularly happy with Khloe’s help, saying that, “The other day when you called me and asked if you could do Chi’s hair, I don’t know if condescending is the word but you were very shaming. You were calling to not really ask me if you could do her hair but to let me know that her hair wasn’t washed.”
There are also some conversations about the children, due to which a little more conflict is created between them. “I had a really hard week so I said to my mom, ‘Can you please wash my two little ones. I will send them over and get them ready for school.’ Chicago put in this hair gel on her way out the door and I was like, ‘Who cares? My mom can slick her hair into a ponytail,’” Kim told the camera. “So Khloe FaceTimes me and says, ‘I had to go over to mom’s and help her get your kids ready. And Chicago’s hair? The hair gel?’”
Khloé always insists that I don’t want to embarrass my sister. I want to make it clear that we are in our own security.
“Having kids in your family all day we’re great, I know, but you need some other human interaction,” says Kim.
Kim and Khloé have several discussions about hair which lead to a conflict between them and the suggestion to seek someone else’s advice.
Khloé shocked at the comments Kim was making about her life. “Talk about mom-shaming. What the f—k are you doing to me? It is reverse mom-shaming,” she pointed out. “You are shaming me for being a helicopter mom and you are claiming I am shaming you for not being more of a strict parent. Why are we constantly nitpicking what I do in my personal house if I am not asking you to live the same life? Can’t we all be the moms we want to be?”
Their conflict over this goes on for a long time and their conflict continues and they argue with each other.
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