Ben Affleck’s daughter, Violet Affleck, was seen wearing Jennifer Lopez’s dress while walking down the street. There has been an uproar of comments in different places about this. Previously, there were many rumors about the divorce of the actor and the singer; among them, this dress has come up again.
Ben’s 18-year-old daughter Violet has been photographed by the paparazzi, and it is clearly seen that she is wearing a Jennifer Lopez dress. These pictures of her were published in the Daily Mail, and various details of her pictures were also shared there.
Jennifer Lopez and Ben have a great relationship with their children, despite their feud. Which is why they went to lunch together in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 11, with 16-year-old twins Max and Emme.
At that moment, Violet, Lopez’s dress falls off. The singer has previously been seen with Ben wearing this outfit. Lopez looked very cute and attractive in the outfit, which fans loved to see. But now that Violet has come in that dress, she looks very beautiful.
The Dolce & Gabbana wrap dress really looks great on everyone, as did Violet as she was snapped by the paparazzi as she walked down the street.
The designer outfit later spotted on Valentine’s Day in February last year. Ben Affleck and Lopez were photographed having a romantic dinner together.
Those pictures went viral on social media, and everyone appreciated them. Everyone wished for a happy married life. But today, at this moment, their relationship has created many conflicts.
Currently, Ben Affleck resides in a rental property in California with his three children, Violet, 18, Seraphina, 15, and Samuel, 12, in Brentwood.
A while back, Violet and Lopez were spotted shopping together in the Hamptons—stepmother and stepdaughter picking out new outfits for themselves.
Read More: Ben Affleck Looks Happy Amid Divorce Rumors With Jennifer Lopez
In an earlier post of ours, we wrote about the couple’s divorce, where they prepared all their own documents for their divorce.
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